Women’s Ashes – The Spitfire Ground, Canterbury


by Megan Joyce, 12 August 2015

Read the full article: https://ernocapital.com/womens-ashes-spitfire-ground-canterbury


...Gatting wasn’t the only inspirational cricketer present on the day, with Isabelle Duncan, author of ‘Skirting The Boundary’ – a history of women’s cricket, a guest speaker at the event.

Duncan told stories of how she appeared on the cover of Wisden Cricket Monthly wearing an MCC jumper in 1998, during a controversial time when the MCC were voting on the admittance of women. Duncan was chosen because she was and still is a club cricketer who bats and bowls alongside men, currently captaining Albury CC (all-male apart from her) in the Surrey League.

She read from chapters in her book, which detail the history of women’s cricket and its progression from the late 18th century, right through to the 19th and 20th centuries, while also celebrating the success of the modern day stars of the game.


Duncan expressed how the expansion of girls’ cricket at a schools level has improved through the charity Chance to Shine, of which she is closely linked. She also gave memorable anecdotes of the time she spends sitting on the committee for Girls on the Front Foot, an initiative which aims to attract girls to the game of cricket.